Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Our baby, Darla
Because of our love for country music and AMERICA it is only obvious that our absolute favorite holiday of all time is none other than THE FOURTH OF JULY!  So of course we made sure to celebrate like a true American should with hamburgers, hot dogs, birthday cake, tacky American decor and apparel, tequila, fireworks and BEER BONGS! 

It was a beautiful Fourth of July morning in Livmo (the bay) as we jumped out of bed at 9am on the dot ready to start off the day right with a shot of tequila! (haha jk that was our plan-didn't end up happening)  We ran a few last minute errands then began decorating and getting the house ready for the afternoon/nighttime festivities!  The hella hotties soon started arriving and America's birthday had officially begun!  The afternoon was filled with swimming, bbqing, beerpong, beer bongs, and of course it's not a party without the "gay pose" photosesh!  Eventually we somehow made it to the park for fireworks?? And that about wrapps up the wonderful American day of fun!  Sooo sad its over, and already looking forward to Fourth of July 2011!   

In the great words of country music's god, Toby Keith:
"You'll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A 'cause we'll stick a boot in your ass It's the American Way"

gabby and gina 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ultimate Goal: A Book

One morning we were sitting on the roof of my house and for two hours we couldn't stop laughing about all these funny times we have had together. We have always been ambitious, striving for those A+'s, finding internships, and attempting to run half marathons, so naturally we also have good business ideas - that we, of course, have to tell our daddy's about. Don't worry, they love our ideas. But, beside the point - that morning we finalized our idea to write a book about our lives, because we think they are too awesome or something. So that is the whole point of this blog, to write about our lives, for you to read about them and fall in love with them in hopes that you will someday either buy our book or borrow it from someone who bought it; maybe you could watch the movie as well.

And as Meg Whitman said, "because now you face your worst nightmare -- two businesswomen."

xoxo, gabby and gina


Now we already introduced you to our favorite word, hotties, now let us introduce you to another one of our favorites, "Snaps".

Sorority girls, tend to snap instead of clap in their meetings and just in general.  Whenever clapping is necessary we prefer to snap instead, I think it's suppose to be "classier" or something, I'm not quite sure.  

Anyway, we just absolutely love this snapping concept and have basically incorporated it into our daily lives.  Whenever we think something is awesome, funny, cool, cute, hott, etc., we snap!  For example, we are out for a typical bayside run through mission and pacific beach and there is a super cute boy (aka: HOTTIE) running by, we will snap just for funsies.  Or lets say one of us texts the other with good news or something, we will send snaps back in our text!  Sounds weird? But it's too fun!

gabby and gina

"The Hotties"

Hello! I thought as our very first post it would be appropriate to introduce you to our absolute favorite word, "HOTTIES".  We tend to refer to all of our besties, friends, sorority sistas, and of course all the cute boys we meet as "hotties".  I couln't really tell you how this obsession started out; however, once we started using it, we just couldn't stop!  Everything and everyone was a "hottie" in our eyes.  Gina even bought us the most adorable matching pair underwear from Victoria Secret that say "Hottie" on the butt! lol 

We especially like to refer to our little group of besties/sorority sisters as "the hotties".  I know if sounds pretty gay and soo mean girls or something, but we just can't get enough of it!  Of course we are not trying to be exclusive or annoying, but the name just fits too well!

gabby and gina 
"The Original Hotties"
Mission Beach
Bid Day 2010