Sunday, August 15, 2010

Don't Be "That" Girl

"That" Girl: desperate, stumbling all over the place like a hottt mess, mascara running down face, undergarments falling loosely out of outfit, drunk dialing, maybe she has flattened out water bottles filled with vodka hidden underneath her clothes (brilliant,I know), loud and obnoxious; all of the above are attributes of "that"girl...  Don't Be THAT Girl! Of course we all at some point or another are.  Don't worry it's fine, it happens.  Girls are pathetic and desperate, it sucks, but you don't always have to be!

Here are a few thoughts/tips on how to avoid being "that" girl:

1. Men Love Bitches-Just Buy the book

2. Keep it Classy: You gotta know your limits with the alcohol gurrlll... You figure it out eventually.

3. Mascara running down your face is never cute...go fix that

4. Confidence is key, and ALWAYS will on it!

5. "You're hott shit, and that boy just isn't good enough"-Sometimes you gotta just keep telling yourself that.  One day you will me some boy that is hott shit and thinks your hott shit and then omg wow you will live happily ever after haha or something like that.

6. Don't be soo insecure!  I know it's hard when he's not texting you back, gosh that's annoying, but it's really not that big of a deal.  If you are insecure, no one needs to know that besides your bestie obbviii.  

7. Establish personal goals, and don't let anything stop you from reaching them.  Sounds super cheesy, but it's true.  When you are focused and driven on something, it's hard to not be confident.

8. When you are with your bestie, shower each other with compliments.  For example "you're soo awesome", "you're sucha hotttieee", "hey gorgeousss"...but seriously the awesomer you think are, the awesomer you actually are, duhhhhh.

9. Don't get boys numbers, make them get yours.

10. You are a PRINCESS girrlfriennddd!

gabby and gina


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