Sunday, September 5, 2010


Because it is Andrea's 21 Birthday, we thought we would name ALL the reasons of why we LOVE HER soooooo much:

She -
1. is 21
2. is sassy
3. is sexy
4. is smart
5. cures headaches with a cold beer, whenever & wherever
6. passes out at the timmy mc-g concerts
7. but will still dance in the party bus before & after
8. calls us out on our embarrassing shit
9. will embarrass herself with us
10. appreciates an embarrassing life
11. keeps it so classy when wasted
12. is responsible
13. thinks the answer to everything is drinking
14. is always right
15. is breathtakingly beautiful
16. is really good at kick boxing
17. is even better at spanish
18. is a beer bong champ
19. and inspires 10 ft beer bongs name darla
20. is organized
21. is a line dancing pro
22. has pretty, long eyelashes
23. has cute shoes
24. and clothes
25. is the hottest line dancing teacher
26. wakes up with out her pants on
27. then finds them in the shower
28. and is really confused about it
29. has really cute cargo pants
30. might be part of the italian mafia
31. is a hottiiieeee
33. has the best socks in the world
34. is overly obsessed with Christmas
35. bakes mini chocolate chip cookies in the toaster oven
36. helped me fall in love with country
37. texts creepy numbers left on her whiteboard
38. doesn't take shit from anyone
39. walks home bayside at ungodly hours & is still alive
40. is the best singer
41. will watch biggest loser with me
42. takes long naps
43. has a cuuteeeee nephew
44. is sassyyyy
45. is sassyyyy
46. is sassyyyy
47. is sassyyyy
48. is sassyyyy
49. is sassyyyy
50. is sassyyyy

SOOO that might not be 101 reasons, but it basically just shows how much we love this chiicccaaaa. we will miss her tons this semester and can't wait to see her in 2011 for another fabbbb semester in san diego!

out last night at El Kapital for Andrea's 21!!!

gabby and gina

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