Thursday, November 18, 2010

6 Brilliant Strategies

You want to know what's great about being the only girl in your family? YOUR PARENTS MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY. So naturally, we get nonstop packages from our mommy's and daddy's -- thankkkssss!! Gabrielle's mama has been sending us every Cosmo issue and this November's had a particularly inspirational article called "Live the Life You Want." Gina read through it, highlighted the most important parts & then read it out loud. Because who highlights magazine articles? -- DEDICATED PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE ON OPRAH, ahh yuppp!  We will give you the over view:

1. Think Backwards - when you set a goal, aka publish a book, build an empire, become a housemom, etc. you start with your end goal at the top of the list and work down! Our hottiieee roommate, Victoria, made one for herself -- so follow hers for an example: 
my (Victoria's) list:
1. be front row at gabby and gina's show on oprah
2. read gabby and gina's book
3. have my name mentioned in gabby and gina's book
4. have my name mentioned in XOXOgabby&gina
5. get fucked up with gabby and gina
6. befriend gabby and gina
7. meet gabby and gina
8. request gabby and gina as roommates

** Victoria has accomplished 5/8 things on her list, HOW FAR ARE YOU??
snappppsssss to VICTORIA! ***
Always making friends <3

2. Day Dream a Lot - well obbvviiiii!---for example: think BEAUTIFUL, RICH, housewife, married to BEAUTIUFL, RICH, HOTTIEEE--5 beautiful children and an over all FABULOUS life

3. Tap In to the Most Powerful Time of Day - 30 minutes before you go to bed, vision your goal because, "your mind is subconsciously conditioned to think of your goal not as a pipe dream but as an everyday reality that you can - AND WILL - achieve."

4. Reboot Your Brain - you know, with shots...tequila is preferred--LIKE

5. Be Like a Palm Tree - duhh, the west coast is the best. but really though, "a palm tree is strong yet flexible and that's exactly how successful people approach life."---CAL-I-FOR-NIA GURLSS, we're UNFORGETTABLE

6. Look Up for 3 Seconds - are bitches talking shit and you are rattled by it? look up for 3 seconds and negative thoughts will be cleared out of your mind!

we hope this was just as inspirational to you as it was to us!
gabby and gina

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